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Patient Credit DECLINED...What to do NOW?

by Shane Elliott

At Healthcare Finance Direct, we frequently receive calls from providers who are looking for a 2nd, even 3rd option for financing their patients because they are experiencing an influx of turn downs from their “Primary” lenders. They are trying to find a solution that mitigates their patient declinations while still receiving their money in advance. They love the fact of getting paid upfront and that the financial risk for them is low (or so it seems), even if that comes with paying a startup fee, monthly fees and/or annual fees. And who wouldn’t want that? There is no better feeling than getting money immediately placed in your pocket.

So how does HFD solve this problem?

In financing, lending

Your Patient Doesn’t Qualify For Your Primary Lender. What’s Next?

by Eric Powers

In financing, lending

Our Finance as a Service model that can change your practice FOREVER!

by Eric Powers

If you are currently offering in-house patient financing as a way of helping your patients pay for care, we want to encourage you to look at FaaS (Finance as a Service) as a way of managing the program. Most of the national providers who have converted to our FaaS model, offered in-house patient financing as a necessary part of growing their business. Unfortunately, that meant managing things like credit, missed payments, balance reconciliation, patient disputes and the litany of regulatory burdens that come along with being a lender to your own patients. We saw this as an opportunity to help, so we built the nation’s first FaaS model, nearly 7 years ago.

In financing, lending